Kaneville, Illinois

FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 06/13/2024 - 8/8/2024

Ops Comms Services Owner Runways IFR Procs Current NOTAMs Remarks


FAA Identifier:IL85 (India-Lima-Eight-Five)
Lat/Lng:41.8463888889, -88.5702777778
41-50-47.0000N, 088-34-13.0000W
Estimated by State on 08/12/2016
Elevation:810 feet Surveyed by State on 08/12/2016
Magnetic Variation: [-4W (2024)]
From City:2nm NW of Kaneville


Airspace Analysis:CONDITIONAL
Based on This Study, We Have No Objections Provided the Powerlines, Which are Obstructions in the Runway Approach Slope, are Removed/Lowered or the Runway Threshold is Displaced and Clearly Marked So As to Provided a Minimum of 20:1 Approach Clearance Over the Obstructions . We Recommend You Reference FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-48, "Utility Airports", in Establishing An Acceptable Level of Safety for Aircraft Operations at This Airport (Copy Enclosed). We Point out That: 1. Due to Effective Runway Length That is Available for Takeoff and Landing, Caution Should be Given to Calculation of Aircraft Performance Data and Should Include Corrections for Temperature and Altitude . 2. the Proposed Airport Underlies Federal Airway V6 . This Determination Should not be Construed to Mean FAA Approval or Disapproval of the Physical Development Involved in the Proposal . It is only a Determination with Respect to the Safe and Efficient Use of Airspace by Aircraft. in Making This Determination, the FAA Has Considered Matters Such As the Effect the Proposal Would Have on Existing or Planned Traffic Patterns of Neighboring Airports, the Effects It Would Have on the Existing Airspace Structure and Projected Programs of the FAA, and the Effects That Existing or Proposed Manmade Objects (on File with the FAA) and Known Natural Objects Within the Affected Area Would Have on the Airport Proposal. This Determination in No Way Preempts or Waives Any Ordinance , Laws, or Regulations of...
Ownership:Privately owned
Control Tower:no
ARTCC:Chicago(ZAU)Chicago Center
FSS:Kankakee FSS(IKK)
Wind Indicator:Lighted
Landing Fee:no



Based Aircraft

Single Engine GA:1

Annual Operations



Owner:Fred Baldridge
740 Meadow Lane
Hinckley, Il 60520
Manager:Fred Baldridge
740 Meadow Lane
Hinckley, Il 60520



Runway 18/36

Length:2000 feet
by State on 08/12/2016
Width:85 feet
Surface:Grass / Sod, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:NONE
End 18 End 36



Additional Remarks

for Cd Contact Chicago ARTCC at 630-906-8921.

This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.

As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.

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