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Photo Submission

I love getting photos! Here's the deal. I won't sell or otherwise use this photo except for display associated with this airport or plane. By sending me the photo, you assert you have the right to provide me with the image (e.g., it's your photo or in the public domain...), and you permit me to display such photo on You may contact me at any time via email and ask the photo be removed.

Here's what I'll do. I'll use sufficient photo-processing tools to shrink the photo to 200x200 pixels, perhaps rotating and modifying contrast to keep the image usable at the small size. I'll also add a "" watermark onto the photo. This way if some other website attempts to snarf the photo it will point back to here.

You may provide a caption, including a link to your website. I may edit your caption for length, but really, I have better things to do. The standard caveats about links apply: personal and commerical websites are fine, but must not point to pornographic, hate-related, violent or illegal content, sites which consist primarily of ads, or sites which access or launch windows which contain such material. If this is too restrictive to you, sorry.

Your email*:
Your email again:
Airport/Airplane ID
Your caption (perhaps your name and photo date):
JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF,...whatever, I can probably convert it.
Additional comment:

* does not sell, lease, rent, give away or otherwise pass your email to anyone else. In fact, given how messy the office is, we're lucky to keep it around long enough to respond. Please, feel secure in knowing that we'll use your email & comments only to aid us in providing you the best possible set of information on this site.

Suggestions? Questions? Corrections? Let us know! Email