Riegleman Field
Hustisford, Wisconsin
FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025
FAA Identifier: | 58WI (Five-Eight-Whiskey-India) |
Lat/Lng: | 43.3385277778, -88.5583333333 43-20-18.7000N, 088-33-30.0000W Estimated by State on 06/27/2016 |
Elevation: | 950 feet Surveyed by State on 06/27/2016 |
Magnetic Variation: | [-4W (2025)] |
Sectional: | CHICAGO |
From City: | 2nm E of Hustisford |
Use: | Private |
Airspace Analysis: | CONDITIONAL We Have Completed An Airspace Analysis of the Proposed Private Use Airport. As Studied, the Location is Approximately 2 Nautical Miles E of Hustisford, Within. We Do not Object to the Proposal However, be Advised Your Proposal Does not Meet FAA Airport Design Standards As Described in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 Titled "Airport Design". Some of the Standards not Met Include: - Runway Object Free Area 250 Feet Wide & 240 Feet Beyond Each Rw End - Threshold Siting Meeting Table 3-2 Criteria - Runway Safety Area 120 ft. Wide & 240 ft. Beyond Each Rw End Note: This is not An All Inclusive List. Reference Ac150/5300-13. Because This is a Proposed Private-Use Airport, All Operators Proceed at Their Own Risk. the Proponent Must Meet All State and Local Requirements. to Enhance the Safety of Operations, We Recommend: 1. All Operations are Conducted in VFR Weather Conditions. 2. the Landing Area is Limited to Private Use only. 3. a Non-Obstructing Wind Indicator is Maintained Adjacent to the Takeoff/Landing Area. 4. No Night Operations are Conducted Unless the Runway and Wind Indicator are Lit. 5. Unauthorized Persons are Restricted from Access to the Runway During Flight Operations. 6. Bury the Power Lines and Remove the Poles on the North End of the Runway. It is Recommended That Your Airport be Constructed to the Standards Identified in FAA Advisory Circular (Ac) 150/5300-13, Airport Design (Current Version). Also, a Clear Approach Slope, As Identified in (Ac)... |
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Activation: | 05/2017 |
Control Tower: | no |
ARTCC: | Chicago(ZAU)Chicago Center |
FSS: | Green Bay FSS(GRB) |
Wind Indicator: | Lighted |
Landing Fee: | no |
Owner: | Paul Riegleman W3160 Lehman Rd Nashotah, Within 53059 414-322-7505 |
Manager: | Paul Riegleman W3160 Lehman Rd Email Address: riegleman@hotmail.com Neosho, Within 53059 414-322-7505 |
Runway 17/35
Length: | 2000 feet by State on 06/27/2016 |
Width: | 100 feet |
Surface: | Grass / Sod |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
End 17 |
End 35 |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Utility runway with a visual approach | Utility runway with a visual approach |
• | for Cd Contact Chicago ARTCC at 630-906-8921. |
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