Source | Coverage | Update Frequency of Source | Update Frequency of | |
METAR | NCAR/ADDS | World-wide, Military bases included | Hourly, but can be revised anytime. Warning symbol, is displayed with details, if station's data more than 90 minutes old. |
5 minutes |
SAI ( | Selected USA locations | Instantaneous. Warning symbol, is displayed with details, if station's data more than 90 minutes old. |
5 minutes | |
PIREP | NCAR/ADDS | World-wide | When reported by pilots Typically, AFSS will report PIREPs typically no older than 1.5 hours |
5 minutes AvnWx will show PIREPs up to 5 hours old, based on your set preference |
TAF | NCAR/ADDS | World-wide, Military bases included | Typically issued for 24-hour period, four times daily, updated as required. Warning symbol, is displayed with details, if station's data more than 12 hours old. |
10 minutes |
AIRMET | NCAR/ADDS | US only | Issued every 6 hours, covers 6 hour forecast period, updated as required | 10 minutes |
SIGMET | NCAR/ADDS | US only | Unscheduled, updated as required | 10 minutes |
Winds Aloft | NOAA | CONUS and Alaska | Issued every 6 hours | 30 minutes |
Rapid Refresh (RAP) Winds and Temperatures | NOAA/NCEP | CONUS | Updated hourly | On demand (available with Full Weather Brief only.) |
TFR | FAA | US | Unscheduled. If the FAA reporting site is down, shows most recent data and displays warning symbol in the menu, next to TFR selection. | 15 minutes |
Stadium TFR | FAA (TFR) Major League Baseball (Schedule) National Football League (Schedule) Major Motor Speedway races NCAA Football (Schedule) |
US and Canada | South End Zone (NFL only) | nightly, but note that events may be delayed hours or days without notice. |
NEXRAD Precipitation Radar | IEM | CONUS | Approx. 5 minutes | 5 minutes. Animation supports previous 45 minutes, in 5 minute increments |
NEXRAD Individual Sites | NOAA | CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam | Approx. 10 minutes Warning symbol, is displayed if most recent echo is older than 45 minutes. |
Manually refreshed. Animation supports most recent 10 images, approximately 1.5 hours |
Airport Facilities Directory | FAA | US | 56 days | nightly, just to make sure nothing sneaks by. |
Procedures | FAA | US | 28 days | nightly |
Airport/Navaid/Reporting Fix Details | NFDC | US | 56 days | 56 days |
Airspace Boundaries | NFDC | US | 56 days | 56 days |
Gulf of Mexico Oil/Gas Leases | US BOEM | GOM | N/A | nightly |
Surface Analysis | NOAA HPC | North America | Updated every three hours | 15 minutes |
NOTAMs | FAA NAIMES Aeronautical Integrated Data Access Portal | USNS covers locations worldwide | N/A | 5 minutes |
Clouds | US Naval Research Lab via | World-wide | unknown | on browser refresh |
Elevation | USGS provided SRTM30 v2.1 at 30 arc-seconds | From 60° South latitude to 90° North | Created primarily from SRTM mission February, 2000, with post processing by NGA. Grid spacing is approximately 900 meters at the equator | N/A |
Museums | From | World-wide | User-editable. See for more information, or to add a new museum | nightly |
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