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Data Sources

At, we're pilots, too. We strive for accurate, real-time data, because no one cares about yesterday's weather. Also, because we'd rather be flying we don't want to have hard-coded data which forces us to manually update this site to keep it accurate.

However, you agree to use this website for information only. You must contact an official Weather Briefer prior to flight to make sure you have the latest weather and NOTAMs. cannot guarantee fully accurate delivery of complete briefing information.
Update Frequency
of Source
Update Frequency
METAR NCAR/ADDS World-wide, Military bases included Hourly, but can be revised anytime.
Warning symbol, warning is displayed with details, if station's data more than 90 minutes old.
5 minutes
SAI ( Selected USA locations Instantaneous.
Warning symbol, warning is displayed with details, if station's data more than 90 minutes old.
5 minutes
PIREP NCAR/ADDS World-wide When reported by pilots
Typically, AFSS will report PIREPs typically no older than 1.5 hours
5 minutes
AvnWx will show PIREPs up to 5 hours old, based on your set preference
TAF NCAR/ADDS World-wide, Military bases included Typically issued for 24-hour period, four times daily, updated as required.
Warning symbol, is displayed with details, warning if station's data more than 12 hours old.
10 minutes
AIRMET NCAR/ADDS US only Issued every 6 hours, covers 6 hour forecast period, updated as required 10 minutes
SIGMET NCAR/ADDS US only Unscheduled, updated as required 10 minutes
Winds Aloft NOAA CONUS and Alaska Issued every 6 hours 30 minutes
Rapid Refresh (RAP) Winds and Temperatures NOAA/NCEP CONUS Updated hourly On demand (available with Full Weather Brief only.)
TFR FAA US Unscheduled. warning If the FAA reporting site is down, shows most recent data and displays warning symbol in the menu, next to TFR selection. 15 minutes
Stadium TFR FAA (TFR)
Major League Baseball (Schedule)
National Football League (Schedule)
Major Motor Speedway races
NCAA Football (Schedule)
US and Canada South End Zone (NFL only) nightly, but note that events may be delayed hours or days without notice.
NEXRAD Precipitation Radar IEM CONUS Approx. 5 minutes 5 minutes.
Animation supports previous 45 minutes, in 5 minute increments
NEXRAD Individual Sites NOAA CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam Approx. 10 minutes
Warning symbol, warning is displayed if most recent echo is older than 45 minutes.
Manually refreshed.
Animation supports most recent 10 images, approximately 1.5 hours
Airport Facilities Directory FAA US 56 days nightly, just to make sure nothing sneaks by.
Procedures FAA US 28 days nightly
Airport/Navaid/Reporting Fix Details NFDC US 56 days 56 days
Airspace Boundaries NFDC US 56 days 56 days
Gulf of Mexico Oil/Gas Leases US BOEM GOM N/A nightly
Surface Analysis NOAA HPC North America Updated every three hours 15 minutes
NOTAMs FAA NAIMES Aeronautical Integrated Data Access Portal USNS covers locations worldwide N/A 5 minutes
Clouds US Naval Research Lab via World-wide unknown on browser refresh
Elevation USGS provided SRTM30 v2.1 at 30 arc-seconds From 60° South latitude to 90° North Created primarily from SRTM mission February, 2000, with post processing by NGA. Grid spacing is approximately 900 meters at the equator N/A
Museums From World-wide User-editable. See for more information, or to add a new museum nightly

METARs, PIREPs, TAFs, Inflight Weather Advisories (SIGMETs, AIRMETs)

These are obtained directly from the Aviation Digital Data Server (ADDS) at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research). ADDS is hosted on an FAA server and pulls data from NOAA's "NOAAPort" Statellite Broadcast Network. This data (i.e., the raw METARs, PIREPs, advisories and TAFs) is not subject to copyright protection. The presentation and translation of the raw data is provided and copyrighted by Because of the experimental nature of the ADDS service, cannot full-time guarantee access to the information, and should not be relied upon in lieu of officially disseminated weather forecasts and warnings. obtains updates every few minutes. You can see the time of the most recent update in menu, next to the particular weather item. At time of the update, we have the most recently available data. You're seeing the most recent information available from ADDS.

See also -- About Pilot Reports

Winds and Temperatures Aloft

Winds and Temperatures Aloft forecasts are obtained from NOAA's Aviation Weather website.

The website is polled once per hour to make sure we have the latest. See also -- About Forecast Winds and Temps Aloft

Rapid Refresh (RAP) Winds and Temperatures Aloft

For Full Weather Briefs, AvnWx obtains more detailed wind and temperature data directly from NOAA/NCEP RAP model output, run hourly. Rapid Refresh model consists of high-frequency (hourly) updated short-range weather model forecasts assimilating observations from

It requires a great deal of data crunching, and adds a few seconds to generating your Full Weather Brief, but we think it's worth it.

Temporary Flight Restrictions

Temporary Flight Restrictions are obtained directly from FAA's Graphic TFR webpage. The website is polled every 15 minutes to make sure we have the latest set of current TFRs. Details for these TFRs are then downloaded, manipulated and stored locally. See also -- About Temporary Flight Restrictions

Special handling is performed for the Stadium TFR. Using published schedules for Major League Baseball and National Football League displays TFR areas for upcoming games. Note that the TFR applies to "one hour before to one hour after" the game. Games are estimated to last three hours, but has no way of determining the precise end of a game. Major Motor Speedway events are handled in a similar manner.

Airport/Facilities Directory

The pages displayed by for the A/FD are obtained directly from the FAA. Since these are updated every 56 days, gets the update also. You can check the the currency of the entry by looking at the date on the bottom of each page of the A/FD. A/FD often have runway diagrams for smaller airports, so if you don't see a full airport diagram for an airport, check its entry in the A/FD.


Arrival, Approach, and Departure procedures are obtained directly from the FAA. FAA issues new versions every 28 days, even though the procedure itself may not have changed. Always note the date on the side of the printed procedure plate. These pages are available only from the airport's detailed page. (Right-click on a METAR symbol or Airport symbol and select Airport details..., or browse airports at, for example

Surface Analysis Overlay

Surface Analysis overlay, showing warm and cold fronts, is drawn from data provided by NOAA's HPC. New data is provided approximately every three hours. checks for new data every fifteen minutes, and will draw a new frontal system when new data is obtained. See -- About Surface Analysis for more information.

NEXRAD Precipitation Overlay

This overlay is the NEXRAD Base Reflectivity, provided by IEM. The data is gathered by IEM and regenerated every 5 minutes. Though it is updated every 5 minutes, the base radar images are not all updated every five minutes and therefore the resulting composite may not be fully updated every 5 minutes. Use this image as merely a guide current precipitation. Turning on animation menu, will show the previous 45 minutes of radar images, pausing a few seconds at the most recent image. This is useful to see direction of weather and trends. It also helps when there appears to be a missing radar echo. Note that echos change rapidly, so use echos for general planning only. Avoid thunderstorms by at least 20 miles, and recall that cumulonimbus can grow in less than one hour.

Turning on NEXRAD will overload computers with 512M or less RAM, or computers on slow links -- you've been warned!

NEXRAD Individual Sites

For each known NEXRAD radar site, an icon is displayed. The image information is retrieved once, when initially displayed. To update the displayed information you must use the Refresh button associated with the site. Data is not automatically updated. Images (including range rings and legends) are retrieved directly from NOAA at Image times differ based on whenever NOAA provides the update (which differs for different sites, and for different image types).

The individual sites provide you with the ability to observe echoes for the same area from different angles. This is especially useful when trying to analyze returns for anomalies. Additionally, we provide more than just current precipitation images.


NOTAMs are synchronized with the FAA's NAIMES data portal (AIDAP), and include NOTAMs for domestic, international and military locations. NOTAMs which have expired are not shown.


We use tables and additional algorithms for all sorts of other useful information.

Suggestions? Questions? Corrections? Let us know! Email