Chicago O'Hare Intl
Chicago, Illinois

FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 01/23/2025 - 3/20/2025

Ops Comms Services Owner Runways IFR Procs Current NOTAMs Remarks


FAA/ICAO Identifier:ORD / KORD (Oscar-Romeo-Delta)
Lat/Lng:41.9769402778, -87.9081497222
41-58-36.9850N, 087-54-29.3390W
Estimated by Faa-Est on 09/14/2019
Elevation:680 feet Surveyed by 3rd Party Survey on 10/03/2016
Magnetic Variation:03W,(2010), [-4W (2025)]
From City:14nm NW of Chicago


Use:Open to the public
Ownership:Publicly owned
Control Tower:yes 24 hrs
Days Tower Operational:ALL
Airspace Class:B
Tower Radar:ASR,24hrs
ARTCC:Chicago(ZAU)Chicago Center
FSS:Kankakee FSS(IKK)
NOTAMs and Weather:ORDNOTAM-D service at airport
Wind Indicator:Lighted
Landing Fee:yes
ARFF:I E S 05/1973


Weather:ASOS 773-462-0118
773-601-8921 operates continuously
Contact 'O Hare Tower'
128.15 ;Runway 09L/27R
126.9 ;Runway 22R
132.7 ;Runway 10L/28R
133.0 ;Runway 10R/28L
121.15 ;Runway 09C/27C
120.75 ;Runway 04R/22L
126.9 ;Runway 09R/27L
120.75 ;Runway 10C/28C
Contact 'O Hare Ground'
121.75 ;Tower Center Outbound
118.05 ;Tower South
124.125 ;Tower North
121.9 ;Tower Center Inbound
134.15 ;Tower Center
Contact 'CHICAGO' Approach
119.0 ;360-179,
133.625 ;180-359
292.125 ;360-179
350.325 ;180-359
377.15,124.35,125.7 ;180-359
Contact 'CHICAGO' Departure
125.0 ;320-149 East/North
126.625 ;150-219 South
126.625 ;220-319 West
327.075 ;150-219 South
327.075 ;220-319 West
337.4 ;320-149 East/North
Class Freq:
120.55 ;North,
128.2 ;Southeast
133.5 ;South,306.925 ;North,349.0 ;South,
353.875 ;Southeast
Other:--VFR ADZY 126.8
--PRM 119.625 ;RWY 10C/28C
--PRM 128.05 ;RWY 10R/28L
--METERING 121.675
---IC 119.0 ;360-179
---IC 292.125 ;360-179
Master Airport:C90 (CHICAGO TRACON)
Master Provides:ARTS-III
Class B
Conflict Alert
CPDLC (Logon Kusa)
Tower Remarks:Class B Frequencies 120.55/306.925 for VFR Aircraft Requesting Traffic Advisories or to Transition Class B North of Ohare.
Class B Frequencies 133.5/349.0 for VFR Aircraft Requesting Traffic Advisories or to Transition Class B South of Ohare.
ASR-7 (N) Unusbl 166-193 8-50 NM.
If Unable to Contact Chicago Approach/Departure Control on 133.1; Call 312-686-0681 to Obtain IFR Clearance.
Dual Vhf Communications Required for Simultaneous Close Parallel Ils Prm Approaches. Runway 10C Monitor 119.625, Runway 10R Monitor 128.05.
Class B Frequencies 128.2/353.875 for VFR Aircraft Requesting Traffic Advisories or to Transition Class B Southeast of Ohare.
Asde-X in Use. Operate Transponders with Altitude Reporting Mode and Ads-B (If Equipped) Enabled on All Airport Surfaces.


Fuel:Grade 100LL Gasoline (low lead blue)
Jet A - Kerosene, freeze point -40C
Airframe Repair:Major
Powerplant Repair:Major
Bottled Oxygen:High pressure
Bulk Oxygen:High/Low pressure

Based Aircraft


Annual Operations



Owner:City of Chicago
P.O. Box 66142, 10510 West Zemke Ro, 10510 West Zemke Ro
Chicago, Il 60666
Manager:Jamie Rhee
Planning Inquiries Contact Adam Rod - (773) 894-6907.
10510 West Zemke Ro
Chicago, Il 60666



Runway 04L/22R

Length:7500 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 10/03/2016
Width:150 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 1180/R/C/W/T
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 100,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 185,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 350,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 04L End 22R
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):7500 feet 
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):7500 feet 
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):7500 feet 
Landing Distance Available (LDA): 7300 feet
True Alignment:039,(035 Magnetic)219,(215 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:655.7' MSL647.7' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:658.2' MSL651.5' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: 69' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle: 3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: 4-light PAPI on left side of runway
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, RolloutTouchdown, Rollout
Approach Lights: MALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights: Yes
Objects: Trees
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):DPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:50:150:1
Object Height: 43' AGL
Object Distance: 2415' Along centerline
640' Left of centerline
Remarks:Closed to Arrival.Closed to Departure.

Runway 04R/22L

Length:8075 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 10/03/2016
Width:150 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 1180/R/C/W/U
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 100,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 200,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 350,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 04R End 22L
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):8075 feet8075 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):8075 feet8075 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):8075 feet8075 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):8075 feet8075 feet
True Alignment:042,(038 Magnetic)222,(218 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Aircraft Arresting Device:EMAS
Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS), 170 ft Wide by 546 ft Length, Located at the Der 04R.
Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS), 170 ft Wide by 303 ft Length, Located at the Der 22L.
Elevation at End:661.4' MSL654.4' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:661.4' MSL654.4' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:67' AGL73' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on right side of runway4-light PAPI on left side of runway
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:MALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator LightsMALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Objects: Trees
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:50:139:1
Object Height: 45' AGL
Object Distance: 1997' Along centerline
628' Left of centerline

Runway 09C/27C

Length:11245 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 01/25/2021
Width:200 feet
Surface:Porland Cement Concrete, Excellent Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 1180/R/C/W/T
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 120,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 250,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 550,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 1120,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 09C End 27C
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):11245 feet11245 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):11245 feet11245 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):11245 feet11245 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):11245 feet11245 feet
Land and Hold Short Distance (LAHSO):8830 feet9725 feet
True Alignment:090,(086 Magnetic)270,(266 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:673.3' MSL652.4' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:673.3' MSL652.8' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:72' AGL75' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on left side of runway
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:ALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III ConfigurationALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Object Marking:Lighted 
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:41:1 
Object Height:126' AGL 
Object Distance:5411' Along centerline
721' Left of centerline

Runway 09L/27R

Length:7500 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 10/03/2016
Width:150 feet
Surface:Porland Cement Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 800/R/C/W/U
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 75,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 210,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 500,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 913,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 09L End 27R
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):7500 feet7500 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):7500 feet7500 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):7500 feet7500 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):7500 feet7500 feet
True Alignment:090,(086 Magnetic)270,(266 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:668.0' MSL663.6' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:668.0' MSL663.6' MSL
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:ALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III ConfigurationALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Object Marking:Marked and LightedMarked and Lighted
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:36:142:1
Object Height:745' AGL84' AGL
Object Distance:27413' Along centerline
4442' Right of centerline
3793' Along centerline
118' Left of centerline

Runway 09R/27L

Length:11260 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 02/12/2024
Width:150 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Porland Cement Concrete, Excellent Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 1180/R/C/W/T
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 120,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 250,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 550,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 1120,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 09R End 27L
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):11260 feet11260 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):11260 feet11260 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):11260 feet11260 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):11260 feet11260 feet
Land and Hold Short Distance (LAHSO):8780 feet9620 feet
True Alignment:090,(086 Magnetic)270,(266 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:668.0' MSL650.2' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:668.0' MSL653.9' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:76' AGL77' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on right side of runway
PAPI Unusbl Beyond 8 Degs Right and 9 Degs Left of Centerline.
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:ALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III ConfigurationALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:41:134:1
Object Height:47' AGL50' AGL
Object Distance:2157' Along centerline
252'Left and Right of centerline
1938' Along centerline
0L/' Right of centerline

Runway 10C/28C

Length:10800 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 10/03/2016
Width:200 feet
Surface:Porland Cement Concrete, Excellent Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 1180/R/C/W/T
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 75,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 135,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 375,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 902,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 10C End 28C
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):10800 feet10800 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):10800 feet10800 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):10540 feet10800 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):10540 feet10800 feet
Land and Hold Short Distance (LAHSO):9610 feet9610 feet
True Alignment:090,(086 Magnetic)270,(266 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:669.4' MSL650.1' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:669.4' MSL651.1' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:75' AGL80' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on left side of runway
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Runway Visual Value Equipment Available:YesYes
Approach Lights:ALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III ConfigurationALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:50:150:1

Runway 10L/28R

Length:13000 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 10/03/2016
Width:150 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Porland Cement Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 1180/R/C/W/U
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 100,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 185,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 350,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 10L End 28R
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):13000 feet13000 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):13000 feet13000 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):13000 feet13000 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):12246 feet13000 feet
Land and Hold Short Distance (LAHSO): 10530 feet
LAHSO Description: TWY SS
True Alignment:090,(086 Magnetic)270,(266 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:672.1' MSL651.4' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:672.1' MSL651.4' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:74' AGL70' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on left side of runway
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:ALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III ConfigurationALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Objects: Trees
Object Marking: Lighted
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:50:145:1
Object Height: 47' AGL
Object Distance: 2336' Along centerline
678' Right of centerline

Runway 10R/28L

Length:7500 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 01/25/2021
Width:150 feet
Surface:Porland Cement Concrete, Excellent Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):Pcr Value: 800/R/C/W/T
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 120,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 250,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 550,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 1120,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 10R End 28L
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):7500 feet7500 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):7500 feet7500 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):7500 feet7500 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):7500 feet7500 feet
True Alignment:090,(086 Magnetic)270,(266 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Elevation at End:680.0' MSL658.0' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:680.0' MSL666.8' MSL
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:ALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III ConfigurationALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Object Marking:Lighted 
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:31:150:1
Object Height:74' AGL 
Object Distance:2555' Along centerline
831' Right of centerline

Runway 10X

Remarks:Runway 10X Supports the Second Straight in Ils System I-Izj on Runway 10R.

Runway H1

Length:200 feet
by Faa Oe/Aaa on 01/31/2022
Width:100 feet
Surface:Porland Cement Concrete
Surface Treatment:NONE
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:Perimeter
Remarks:Approach/ Departure Paths are East & West.



Additional Remarks

A30-09R/27L-Triple Dual Tandem (3D) 768,000 Lbs; Dual Tandum W/Dual Wheel (2D/D1) 632,755 Lbs.
A5-and Du Page Co.
Noise Abatement Proc in Effect from 2200 to 0700; Contact Airport Manager - 773-686-2255.
Birds on & in Vicinity of Airport; Pyrotechnics & Bird Cannons in Use.
Aircraft with Wingspan Greater than 214 ft Require 48 Hours Prior Permission - 773-686-2255.
See Lnd & Hold Short Operations Section.
Alert: Dupe Alpha-Numeric Taxiway Designators & Trml Gate Designations Involving the Ltrs B, C, G, H, K, L & M.
Mag Deviation Psbl Imt W of Taxiway Y & Runway 22L Approach on Taxiway N.
Personnnel and Equipment Working Near Various Taxiways.
Periodic Fire Dept Training at N Sector of the Airport.
Prim Run-Up Location Ground Run Up Enclosure; Secondary Run Up Locations Available Upon Req - Contact City Operations 773-686-2255.
Line Up and Wait Authorization in Effect Between Ss and Sr at the Flwg Ints: Runway 28R at Taxiway Gg, Taxiway Ee and Taxiway N5; Runway 10L at Taxiway Dd and Taxiway Cc and Taxiway Ss; Runway 27C at Taxiway Tt; Runway 9C at Taxiway Ff; Runway 27L at Taxiway Tt; Runway 9R at Taxiway Ss and Ff. These Runways Will be Used for Departures only When Exercising the Provisions of This Authorization.
All Part 91 & Unscheduled Part 125, 133 & 135 Charter Operators Contact Signature Flight Support at 773-686-7000 Regarding New Security Regulations Prior to Departure.
East and West Gates are Manned 24 Hours a Day.
Air Traffic Control Tower is Auth to Conduct Simul Departures from Runway 04L/04R, Runway 22L/22R, Runway 09R with Runway 09L or Runway 10L, Runway 09C with Runway 09L or Runway 10L, Runway 10C with Runway 09R or Runway 09C, Runway 27L with Runway 27R or Runway 28R, Runway 27C with Runway 27R or Runway 28R, Runway 28C with Runway 27L or Runway 27C with Crs Divergence Beginning No Later than 4 Miles from Runway End.
be Alert: Taxiway S1 Obnd or Eb only, Taxiway S2 Inbound or Wb only, Taxiway P1, P2, P3, P5, and P6 Nb only, Taxiway E1, E2, E3 & E4 Sb only. Taxiway E3 Wb only from Runway 09C/27C.
A380-800 Operating Constraints Exist on Runways, Taxiways, & Ramps - Contact Airport Operations for Info 773-686-2255.
Dvrsn Acrs Wo a Presence at Ord Should Contact Airport Operations 773-686-2255 Prior to Diverting to the Extent Practical and Provide: Co, Flight Operations Contact Info, Aircraft Type, Persons Ob, Intl or Domestic, Any Ground Handler Agrmts in Place.
be Alert: the Northeast/Southwest Portion of Taxiway Yy is not Vsbl from the Center Air Traffic Control Tower.
B747-8 Operations not Authorized on Runway 09R/27L, 09L/27R & 10R/28L.
Aircraft are not Pmtd to Stop on Either Taxiway a or B Bridges.
Runway Status Lights are in Opn.
Taxiway Nn1 Inbound/Eb only; Taxiway Nn2 Oubd/Wb only.

This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.

As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.

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