Rainy Pass Lodge
Rainy Pass, Alaska
FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025
FAA Identifier: | 6AK |
Lat/Lng: | 62.0841419444, -152.717524722 62-05-02.9110N, 152-43-03.0890W Estimated |
Elevation: | 1900 feet Estimated by Naco on 02/27/1970 |
Magnetic Variation: | 24E,(1985), [13E (2025)] |
Sectional: | MC GRATH |
From City: | 2nm E of Rainy Pass |
Use: | Open to the public |
Airspace Analysis: | NOT ANALYZED |
Ownership: | Publicly owned |
Activation: | 09/1969 |
Attended: | May-Sept Every day DAYLIGHT (local) |
Control Tower: | no |
ARTCC: | Anchorage(ZAN)Anchorage Center |
FSS: | Kenai FSS(ENA) |
NOTAMs and Weather: | ENANOTAM-D service at airport |
Wind Indicator: | Unlighted |
Landing Fee: | no |
Airframe Repair: | None |
Powerplant Repair: | None |
Bottled Oxygen: | None |
Bulk Oxygen: | None |
Owner: | State of Alaska Dnr 550 W7Th Ave. Anchorage, Ak 99501 907-269-8400 |
Manager: | Steven H. Perrins Po Box 221267 Anchorage, Ak 99502 907-248-7599 or 907-230-6093. |
Runway 11/29
Length: | 2100 feet |
Width: | 25 feet Runway 11/29 Has 25 ft Wide Dirt Path with 3 to 5 ft Brush on Both Sides. |
Surface: | Natural Soil, Poor Condition Runway Surface Has Dirt with Ruts and Dips Entire Length. Large Boulders Protrude Thru Runway Surface 3-6 Inches. Runway is Soft and Slippery in the Middle. |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
End 11 |
End 29 |
Right Hand Pattern: | | Yes |
Objects: | Tree | Tree |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Utility runway with a visual approach | Utility runway with a visual approach |
Object Clearance Slope: | 0:1 | 0:1 |
Object Height: | 18' AGL | 20' AGL |
Object Distance: | 0' Along centerline 40' Right of centerline | 0' Along centerline 30'Left and Right of centerline |
• | Recommend Visual Inspection Prior to Use. |
• | Runway Extremely Soft During Ice Breakup and Heavy Rain. |
• | Runway 11/29 not Maintained in Winter and No Snow Removal. |
• | Construction Materials Located Near Runway 11 Threshold & Imtly Adjacent to Runway Edge- South Side. |
• | Runway Doglegs to Northeast Near Runway 11 Threshold. |
• | Pilots are Requested to Self Announce Intentions on CTAF. |
• | Wx Camera Available on Internet at https://Weathercams.FAA.Gov |
• | Multiple Trails Crossing Runway. |
• | Horses in Vicinity of and on Runway. |
This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These
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