Seaplane Base
Flying Floats Base
Three Lakes, Wisconsin
FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025
FAA Identifier: | 8WI7 (Eight-Whiskey-India-Seven) |
Lat/Lng: | 45.8646222222, -89.1439833333 45-51-52.6400N, 089-08-38.3400W Estimated by State on 10/07/2017 |
Elevation: | 1628 feet Surveyed by State on 10/07/2017 |
Magnetic Variation: | [-4W (2025)] |
Sectional: | GREEN BAY |
From City: | 5nm NNE of Three Lakes |
Use: | Private |
Airspace Analysis: | CONDITIONAL We Do not Object with Conditions to the Construction Described in This Proposal Provided You Agree to the Following: Flight Standards Has Conducted An on-Site Inspection of the Proposed Seaplane Landing Area. There is Sufficient Sea Lane Available to Allow a Variety of Small Seaplanes to Safely Clear on-Shore Trees on Takeoff and Landing. All Operations Must be Conducted in VFR Weather Conditions from Sunrise to Sunset. the Proponent Must Meet All State and Local Requirements. This Aeronautical Study Did not Consider the Interaction of Seaplane Operation with Surface Craft Traffic Which is Regulated by 14 Cfr 91.115, Nor Does It Give Approval for Seaplane Operations on This Body of Water. Approval Authority is Vested with the Owner/Controlling Agency of the Body of Water. to Enhance the Safety of Operations, We Recommend: 1. the Proponent Reference 14 Cfr 91.115 Right of Way Rules; Water Operations. 2. This Landing Area is Established in Accordance with Ac 150/5395-1, Seaplane Bases. for the Establishment of An Acceptable Level of Safety of Seaplane Operations at This Site, Reference FAA Advisory Circular (Ac) 150/5395-1 -Seaplane Bases- (Current Version). It is Recommended That Your Seaplane Base be Constructed to the Standards Identified in Ac 150/5300-13. Also, a Clear Approach Slope, As Identified in Ac 150/5300-13, Table 3-2 -Approach/Departure Standards-, Should be Established at Each Runway End. If There are Other Obstructions That Penetrate the Approach... |
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Activation: | 10/2017 |
Control Tower: | no |
ARTCC: | Minneapolis(ZMP)Minneapolis Center |
FSS: | Green Bay FSS(GRB) |
Wind Indicator: | Lighted |
Landing Fee: | no |
Owner: | David Lodl 2811 44Th Street Two Rivers, Within 54241 920-901-0161 |
Manager: | David Lodl 2811 44Th Street Email Address: Hoffman@Pitnet.Net (All Lower Case) Two Rivers, Within 54241 920-901-0161 |
Runway 04W/22W
Length: | 4336 feet by State on 10/07/2017 |
Width: | 1000 feet |
Surface: | Water |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
End 04W |
End 22W |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Utility runway with a nonprecision approach | Utility runway with a nonprecision approach |
Runway 16W/34W
Length: | 6157 feet by State on 10/07/2017 |
Width: | 1000 feet |
Surface: | Water |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
End 16W |
End 34W |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Utility runway with a nonprecision approach | Utility runway with a nonprecision approach |
• | for Cd Contact Minneapolis ARTCC at 651-463-5588. |
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