Talkeetna Village Strip
Talkeetna, Alaska
FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025
FAA Identifier: | AK44 |
Lat/Lng: | 62.3189366667, -150.116147778 62-19-08.1720N, 150-06-58.1320W Estimated |
Elevation: | 346 feet Estimated |
Magnetic Variation: | 25E,(1985), [14E (2025)] |
Sectional: | ANCHORAGE |
From City: | 1nm S of Talkeetna |
Use: | Private Public Land |
Airspace Analysis: | OBJECTIONABLE |
Ownership: | Publicly owned |
Activation: | 10/1950 |
Control Tower: | no |
ARTCC: | Anchorage(ZAN)Anchorage Center |
FSS: | Talkeetna FSS(TKA) |
Wind Indicator: | Unlighted |
Landing Fee: | no |
Airframe Repair: | Minor |
Powerplant Repair: | Minor |
Bottled Oxygen: | None |
Bulk Oxygen: | None |
Owner: | Blm Glennallen Field Office P.O. Box 147 Glennallen, Ak 99588 907-822-3217 |
Manager: | Robert Gerlach Talkeetna Airmen's Association, Po Box 177 Talkeetna, Ak 99676 907-982-3760 |
Runway 16/34
Length: | 1600 feet |
Width: | 30 feet |
Surface: | Gravel / Cinders / Crushed Rock / Coral/Shells / Slag |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
End 16 |
End 34 |
Runway Markings: | None | None |
Objects: | Trees | Brush |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Utility runway with a visual approach | Utility runway with a visual approach |
Object Clearance Slope: | 3:1 | 15:1 |
Object Distance: | 100' Along centerline | 70' Along centerline |
• | Heliport on SE End of Runway, No Rotor Craft Operations on Main Runway. |
• | Quiet Hours are 2300-Hours to 0700-Hours, No Takeoffs During These Hours. No Operations After Civil Twilight. |
• | No Snow Removal, No Wheel Operations When Snow on Runway, No Exceptions. |
• | Airport Closed in Spring Due to Soft Surface Conditions not Observable When Aloft. Surface Will be Marked with X'S and Orange Cones When Closed. |
• | Transient Parking only on West Side S of Ball Field Where Runway Widens. No Aircraft Parking at N End. Parking Over 8 Hours Contact Airport Mgr: 907 982-3760 for Assignment. |
• | When Possible Due to Wind, Takeoffs S and Landings N for Noise Abatement and Obstacle Clearance. |
• | All Operations Must be Safe, Considerate to Talkeetna Community. |
• | Airport Closed to Aircraft with Max Certified Gross Weight Over 3000 Lbs. |
• | Runway Has Numerous Humps, Heaves and Rocks to 4 in. |
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