Buffalo Niagara Intl
Buffalo, New York

FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025

Ops Comms Services Owner Runways IFR Procs Current NOTAMs Remarks


FAA/ICAO Identifier:BUF / KBUF
Lat/Lng:42.9404272222, -78.7305697222
42-56-25.5380N, 078-43-50.0510W
Estimated by 3rd Party Survey on 09/10/2019
Elevation:726 feet Surveyed by 3rd Party Survey on 09/10/2019
Magnetic Variation:11W,(2015), [-11W (2025)]
From City:5nm E of Buffalo


Use:Open to the public
Airspace Analysis:NOT ANALYZED
Existed Prior to 1959.
Ownership:Publicly owned
Control Tower:yes 24 hrs
Days Tower Operational:ALL
Airspace Class:C
Tower Radar:ASR,24hrs
ARTCC:Cleveland(ZOB)Cleveland Center
FSS:Buffalo FSS(BUF)
NOTAMs and Weather:BUFNOTAM-D service at airport
Wind Indicator:Lighted
Landing Fee:yes
ARFF:I C S 05/1973
ARFF Index D Equipment Coverage Provided.


Weather:ASOS 716-635-0532
operates continuously
Contact 'Buffalo Tower'
Contact 'Buffalo Ground'
Contact 'BUFFALO' Approach (24 local)
126.5 ;234-052,317.6 ;234-052,126.15 ;053-233,
263.125 ;053-233
Contact 'BUFFALO' Departure (24 local)
126.5 ;234-052,317.6 ;234-052,126.15 ;053-233,
263.125 ;053-233
Other:--PRE TAXI CLNC 124.7
--IC 126.15 ;053-233
--IC 263.125 ;053-233
--CLASS C 126.5 ;234-052
--CLASS C 317.6 ;234-052
--CLASS C 126.15 ;053-233
--CLASS C 263.125 ;053-233
Master Provides:ARTS-IIIA
Class C
Conflict Alert
CPDLC (Logon Kusa)


Fuel:Grade 100LL Gasoline (low lead blue)
Jet A - Kerosene, freeze point -40C
Airframe Repair:Major
Powerplant Repair:Major
Bottled Oxygen:High/Low pressure
Bulk Oxygen:High/Low pressure
Transient Storage:Hanger,Tie-Down
Other Services:Air Freight, Air Ambulance, Avionics, Cargo handling, Charter, Pilot Instruction, Aircraft Rental, Aircraft Sales, Annual Surveying

Based Aircraft


Annual Operations



Owner:Niagara Frontier Tran Auth
181 Ellicott St, Po Box 5008
Buffalo, Ny 14205
Manager:Lee Weitz
4200 Genesee St
Buffalo, Ny 14225
(716) 630-6030



Runway 05/23

Length:8829 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 09/10/2019
Width:150 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):81 /F/B/W/T, 81 , Flexible, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents CBR > 8), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 120,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 250,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 550,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 1120,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 05 End 23
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):8829 feet8829 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):8829 feet8829 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):8104 feet8294 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):7569 feet7569 feet
True Alignment:044,(033 Magnetic)224,(213 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Displaced Threshold Distance:535'725'
Elevation at End:674.1' MSL726.8' MSL
Elevation at Displaced Threshold:680.6' MSL725.9' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:707.5' MSL725.9' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:50' AGL52' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on right side of runway
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location:Touchdown, Midfield, RolloutTouchdown, Midfield, Rollout
Approach Lights:MALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator LightsALSF2 - Standard 2,400 Foot High Intensity Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashers, Category II or III Configuration
Runway End Centerline Lights:YesYes
Runway End Touchdown Lights:YesYes
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Precision Instrument RunwayPrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:10:1
Runway 05 Approach Slope 45:1 to Displaced Threshold.
Object Height:21' AGL29' AGL
Object Distance:413' Along centerline
532' Right of centerline
1155' Along centerline
360' Right of centerline
Other Objects:Runway 05 Has +3 ft Pole Light Pole 59 ft from Runway End, 497 ft Right. 

Runway 14/32

Length:7161 feet
by 3rd Party Survey on 09/10/2019
Width:150 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved
Classification (PCN):70 /F/B/W/T, 70 , Flexible, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents CBR > 8), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 120,000 lbs
Dual Wheel aircraft: 250,000 lbs
Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 489,000 lbs
Double Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 1016,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 14 End 32
Takeoff Run Available (TORA):7161 feet7161 feet
Takeoff Distance Available (TODA):7161 feet7161 feet
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA):6441 feet6841 feet
Landing Distance Available (LDA):6121 feet6121 feet
True Alignment:127,(116 Magnetic)307,(296 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Nonprecision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Displaced Threshold Distance:320'720'
Elevation at End:699.1' MSL708.8' MSL
Elevation at Displaced Threshold:700.3' MSL708.0' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:710.2' MSL713.2' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:53' AGL54' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on left side of runway
Approach Lights: MALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
Runway End Identifer Lights (REIL):Yes 
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Other than utility runway with a nonprecision approach having visibility minimums greater than 3/4 milePrecision Instrument Runway
Object Clearance Slope:13:1
Runway 14 Approach Slope 29:1 to Displaced Threshold.
Object Height:31' AGL14' AGL
Object Distance:608' Along centerline
535' Right of centerline
200' Along centerline
429' Left of centerline
Other Objects: +7 ft Obstruction Lighted Fence , 0 ft from Runway End, 480 ft Left.



Additional Remarks

Heavy Concentration of Gulls; Blackbirds & Starlings Up to 5000 ft on & in Vicinity of Airport.
Deer on & in Vicinity of Airport.
for FBO Services Contact 131.75; for Cargo Services Contact 122.95.
Taxiway a SW Runup Area/Hldg Bay Marked Design Group 3 Aircraft (Generally B737 A321 or Smaller) Unavailable Design Group 4 (Incl but not Limited to B757 767).
Taxiway 'K1' Closed 2100-0800 Daily.
Taxiway P Between Approach End Runway 14 and Taxiway P2 Closed to Aircraft Wingspan More than 117 ft.
Community Comments:CommentX

This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.

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