IFR Enroute Charts
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FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025
Ops | Comms | Services | Owner | Runways | IFR Procs | Current NOTAMs | Remarks |
FAA/ICAO Identifier: | GRK / KGRK |
Lat/Lng: | 31.06725, -97.8289166667 31-04-02.1000N, 097-49-44.1000W Estimated by 3rd Party Survey on 03/13/2016 |
Elevation: | 1015 feet Surveyed by 3rd Party Survey on 03/13/2016 |
Magnetic Variation: | 04E,(2020), [3E (2025)] |
Sectional: | SAN ANTONIO |
From City: | 6nm SW of Fort Cavazos (Killeen) |
Use: | Open to the public |
Ownership: | Army owned |
Attended: | Continuous |
Control Tower: | yes 24 hrs |
Type: | ATCT-A/C Air Traffic Control Tower-Arac. |
Days Tower Operational: | ALL |
Airspace Class: | D,Class D Svc Continuous |
Tower Radar: | ASR,24hrs,PAR |
ARTCC: | Fort Worth(ZFW)Houston Center(ZHU) |
FSS: | San Angelo FSS(SJT) |
NOTAMs and Weather: | GRKNOTAM-D service at airport |
Wind Indicator: | Unlighted |
Lights: | Sunset-Sunrise |
Beacon: | Sunset-Sunrise |
Landing Fee: | no |
ARFF: | I E S 08/2024 |
CTAF: | 120.750 | |||||
ATIS: | 124.9 operates continuously | |||||
Tower: |
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Ground: |
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Clearance: |
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Approach: |
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Departure: |
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Emergency: |
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PTD: | 305.15 125.05 | |||||
Other: | --RANGE CTL 30.45 --RANGE CTL 38.3FM --PMSV METRO 306.5 --PMSV METRO 41.2 --FLT FLW 141.175 --FLT FLW 357.5 | |||||
Master Provides: | ARTS-II | |||||
Tower Remarks: | Frequency 241.0 Unmto. PMSV Gray Metro: 3 Cws, Robert Gray Aaf, DSN 738-9400/9620 C254-288-9400/9620. Full Service Available H24 or Remote Briefing Service Available 26 Ows Barksdale AFB, DSN 331-2651 C318-529-2651. |
Fuel: | Jet A - Kerosene, freeze point -40C Civ: Jet a Available 0400-2030. for Service After Hours Call 254-501-8750. |
Based Aircraft
Annual Operations
Runways: | 15/33 H1 H2 H3 |
Length: | 9997 feet by 3rd Party Survey on 03/13/2016 |
Width: | 200 feet |
Surface: | Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Porland Cement Concrete, Excellent Condition Runway 33 First 1000 ft Pem Remaining 8997 ft Grooved. |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
Classification (PCN): | 59 /R/B/W/T, 59 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents > 221 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination |
Runway Lights Edge Intensity: | High Intensity |
End 15 | End 33 | |
True Alignment: | 157,(154 Magnetic) | 337,(334 Magnetic) |
ILS Type: | ILS | ILS/DME |
Runway Markings: | Precision Instrument,Good Condition | Precision Instrument,Good Condition |
Displaced Threshold Distance: | 194' | |
Elevation at End: | 1015.2' MSL | 971.4' MSL |
Elevation at Displaced Threshold: | 973.5' MSL | |
Elevation at Touchdown Zone: | 1015.2' MSL | 995.0' MSL |
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: | 53' AGL | 50' AGL |
Visual Glide Path Angle: | 3.00° | 3.00° |
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway |
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location: | Touchdown | Rollout |
Approach Lights: | MALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator Lights | MALSR - 1,400 Foot Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System With Runway Alignment Indicator Lights |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Precision Instrument Runway | Precision Instrument Runway |
Object Clearance Slope: | 50:1 | 50:1 |
Length: | 100 feet by Military on 05/16/2024 |
Width: | 100 feet |
Surface: | Porland Cement Concrete, Good Condition |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
Length: | 75 feet by Military on 05/16/2024 |
Width: | 75 feet |
Surface: | Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
Length: | 75 feet by Military on 05/16/2024 |
Width: | 75 feet |
Surface: | Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
• | Caution: Extensive Copter Operating Vicinity Fort Cavazos, Some Wo Conspicuous Mrk and Blend with Terrain. |
• | Military-Misc: Limited Prk. |
• | Misc: Wx Visible Obst Restricted S Thru NW. |
• | Bearing Strength Runway 15/33: St175 Sbtt593 Trt840 Trt585. |
• | Military-JASU: 1(Am32-95) Lass 1(Tug Tmd-250) 1(Essex B809). |
• | Military-Fuel: a++ Prior Permission only. |
• | Traffic Pattern: Traffic Pattern Altitude Left and Rgt. Rotary Wing 1500 ft, Uas 2000 ft West Traffic only, Fixed Wing 2500 ft, Pure Jet/Overhead 3000 ft. |
• | Misc: Closed Circuit Tv Operating. |
• | Military-Misc: All Inbound Prior Permission Aircraft Contact Ptd 20 Min Prior to Landing. Base Operations Fax DSN 738-1930, C254-288-1930. |
• | Civ: Prior Permission All Civil Aircraft Contact Airport Manager. |
• | Military-Restricted: Prior Permission Military Ramp DSN 738-9200/9209, C254-288-9200/9209, Civ Ramp (Kfhra) C254-501-8750. |
• | Restricted: Taxiway B Fr Taxiway C to E Restricted to Aircraft with Wingspan 200' or Less. |
• | Military-Misc: Par not Available (Except Emergency) from 0500-1300Z++. |
• | Military-Misc: Base Operations Approval for Ramp Access. |
• | Military-Customs/AG/Immigration: Customs Available 72 Hour Prior Notice Require. During Nml Duty Hour Contact Pmo Customs DSN 737-3535/3508, C254-287-3535/3508, Ot Contact Base Operations DSN 738-9200, C254-288-9200. |
• | Caution: Extensive Copter Sod Operations. |
• | Military-Customs/AG/Immigration: Usda AG Inspection not Available. |
• | Military-Restricted: Taxiway B from Taxiway C to Aer 15 Restricted to Aircraft with An Acn of 24 or Less. |
• | Military-Misc: 24 Hour Notice Require for Lav and Water Service. |
• | Military: Base Operations Fx DSN 738-1930, Com 254-288-1930. |
• | Civ: Airport Unicom Frequency 122.825 (Killeen Radio). |
• | Military-Misc: Space a Pax Operations Prohibited, Inbound and Outbound. |
• | Military-Misc: No Off Airfield Transient Aircrew Transportation Available. |
• | Military-Misc: 50 ft Fuel Service Safety Zone Enforced During All Refuel Operations. |
• | Restricted: Taxiway D and Taxiway B Fr C to Approach End Runway 33 not Auth for DOD Aircraft Require Class B Runway. |
• | Caution: Extensive Uas Aircraft Within Class D Airspace and Between Class D Airspace and R6302. |
• | Traffic Pattern: Uas 2000' (West Traffic only). |
• | Misc - 50' Fuel Service Safety Zone Enforced During All Refuel Operations. Space a Pax Operations Proh, Inbound and Outboard. No Off Airfield Tran Aircrew Transportation Available. Wide Body Aircraft 180 Deg Turns Proh on Runway 15/33. Wide Body Aircraft Movement on the South Ramp Auth only Under Control of Follow-Me and Ground Marshal Pers. |
• | Wide Body Aircraft 180 Deg Turns Allowed only on Conc Areas at Each Eor 15/33. Wide Body Aircraft Movement on the South Ramp Authorized only Under Control of Follow-Me and Ground Marshal Personnel. |
• | Water Tower 1182 ft E Side of Airfield. |
• | Military-Misc: No De-Ice Capability. |
This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.
As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.
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