Holloman AFB
Alamogordo, New Mexico

FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 09/05/2024 - 10/31/2024

Ops Comms Services Owner Runways IFR Procs Current NOTAMs Remarks


FAA/ICAO Identifier:HMN / KHMN
Lat/Lng:32.8518583333, -106.108541667
32-51-06.6900N, 106-06-30.7500W
Estimated by Military on 09/14/2017
Elevation:4092 feet Surveyed by Military on 03/07/2022
Magnetic Variation:10E,(1990), [7E (2024)]
From City:6nm SW of Alamogordo


Airspace Analysis:NOT ANALYZED
Ownership:Air Force owned
Control Tower:yes 0900Z++ MON THRU 0100Z++FRI; SAT 1500-2200Z++, EXC FOR FINAL SAT OF EV MONTH. CLSD SUN & FEDERAL HOL.
Days Tower Operational:WDE
Airspace Class:D
Tower Radar:ASR,0800-2200
ARTCC:Albuquerque(ZAB)Albuquerque Center
FSS:Albuquerque FSS(ABQ)
NOTAMs and Weather:HMNNOTAM-D service at airport
Pattern Altitude:Overhead 6100 ft /300 Kt.
Wind Indicator:Unlighted
Abn Unserviceable.
Landing Fee:no


ATIS:273.5 ;Limited Beyond 15 NM 020-140
operates 0900-0630Z++ MON-FRI; 1300-0600Z++ SAT UTA WEEKEND
Contact 'Holloman Tower'
254.4 ;Limited Beyond 15 NM 020-140
119.3 ;Limited Beyond 15 NM 020-140
Contact 'Holloman Ground'
Contact 'HOLLOMAN' Approach (OPR 24 FR 0900Z++ MON THRU 0100Z++ FRI; CLSD SAT, SUN AND HOL.)
Contact 'HOLLOMAN' Departure (OPR 24 FR 0900Z++ MON THRU 0100Z++ FRI; CLSD SAT, SUN AND HOL.)
128.1 ;Limited Beyond 15 NM 020-140
284.0 ;Limited Beyond 15 NM 020-140
--COMD POST 251.25 ;LTD BYD 15 NM 020-140
--PMSV METRO 346.55
Master Provides:Basic Radar Service Contact Approach Control.
Tower Remarks:Comd Post: Have Quick Timing Available. (Raymond 14).
Approach/Departure Service Provided by Albuquerque ARTCC (Zab) on Frequencies 132.65/257.6 (Alamogordo RCAG) When Holloman Approach Control (Hmn) Closed.
Comm-PMSV: 346.55.


Airframe Repair:Major
Powerplant Repair:Major
Bottled Oxygen:None
Bulk Oxygen:High/Low pressure

Based Aircraft


Annual Operations



49Th Csg/Tac/
Holloman AFB, NM 88330
Manager:Base Operations
49Th Csg/Tac/
Holloman AFB, NM 88330



Runway 04/22

Length:10578 feet
by Military on 09/14/2017
Width:300 feet
Surface:PEM / Porous Asphalt Concrete
1000 ft X 300 ft Conc Threshold, Remaining Runway is 8575 ft X 300 ft Asphalt. Runway Mrk 10575 ft X 150 ft.
Surface Treatment:NONE
Classification (PCN):52 /R/B/W/T, 52 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents > 221 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 04 End 22
True Alignment: 228,(221 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Nonprecision Instrument,Good ConditionNonprecision Instrument,Good Condition
Aircraft Arresting Device:BAK-12B
Hook Bak-12B(B) (1450 ft) Hook Bak-12B(B) (5287 ft).
Hook Bak-12B(B) (1498 ft).
Elevation at End:4055.6' MSL4082.8' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:4058.7' MSL4082.8' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: 53' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle: 3.00°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: 4-light PAPI on left side of runway
PAPI Unusable Beyond 8 Deg Left of Centerline.
Approach Lights: ALSF1

Runway 07/25

Length:12922 feet
by Military on 11/28/2016
Width:150 feet
Surface:PEM / Porous Asphalt Concrete
First 1000 ft Runway 25 Concrete, West of Taxiway F Middle 75 ft Concrete Outer 37.5 ft Wt Brg Asphalt.
Surface Treatment:NONE
Classification (PCN):34 /R/C/W/T, 34 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Low (represents > 92 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 07 End 25
True Alignment: 259,(252 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Nonprecision Instrument,Good ConditionNonprecision Instrument,Good Condition
Aircraft Arresting Device:BAK-12B
Bak-15 Chag (2276 ft Ovrn) Hook Bak-12B(B) (1500 ft).
Hook Bak-12B(B) (1630 ft).
Elevation at End:4051.0' MSL4092.6' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:4057.0' MSL4092.6' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: 43' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle: 2.50°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: 4-light PAPI on left side of runway

Runway 16/34

Length:12134 feet
by Military on 09/14/2017
Width:150 feet
Surface:PEM / Porous Asphalt Concrete
First 1850 ft Runway 34, First 1700 ft Runway 16 Concrete, Mid 8581 ft Asphalt.
Surface Treatment:NONE
Classification (PCN):45 /R/B/W/T, 45 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents > 221 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:High Intensity
End 16 End 34
True Alignment:168,(161 Magnetic)348,(341 Magnetic)
Runway Markings:Precision Instrument,Good ConditionPrecision Instrument,Good Condition
Aircraft Arresting Device:BAK-12B
Hook Bak-12B (63 ft Ovrn) Hook Bak-12B(B) (1500 ft).
Hook Bak-12B(B) (1507 ft) Hook Bak-12B (59 ft Ovrn) Bak-15 (Ni) Unk (121 ft Ovrn).
Elevation at End:4082.8' MSL4049.2' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:4082.8' MSL4058.1' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:50' AGL43' AGL
Visual Glide Path Angle:3.00°2.50°
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:4-light PAPI on left side of runway4-light PAPI on left side of runway
PAPI Unusable Beyond 8 Deg Left of Centerline.
Approach Lights:ALSF1 



Additional Remarks

Caution: Mt Terrain 10 NM E and 20 NM W.
Caution: Unctl Veh on Movement Area.
Transient Alert: Transient Alert Service Available 1230-0330Z++ Mon-Fri, 1430-2230++ Sat-Sun. No Priority Basis.
Customs/AG/Immigration: Customs/ Immigration Available to 49 Tfw Fr Outside Conus.
Caution: Portions of Airport not Visible Fr Tower. Exit Runway 22 on Taxiway R Hold Short Taxiway G.
Caution: Copter Arrival/Departure Avoid Hover Over Unprepared Surface.
Service-Light: Gated Threshold Light All Runway.
Bearing Strength Runway 04-22: St155 Sbtt590 Ddt837.
Bearing Strength Runway 07-25: St155.
Bearing Strength Runway 16-34: St155 Sbtt590.
Misc: Standard Aetc Rsrs Applied, Non-Aetc Asgn Aircraft Require Written Approval.
Misc: Radar Monitoring not Available All Runway.
JASU: 2(Md-3) 2(Ma-1A) 3(Mc-1) 1(Mc-1A) 1(M32A-60).
Fuel: a++.
Fluid: Sp Low and High Pressure Oxygen Servicing (Low Pressure Oxygen Servicing (Lpox)) Liquid Oxygen Servicing (LOX).
Oil: O-128-133-148-156 SOAP.
a: Operating 1000-0100Z++ Mon-Sat.
Prior Permission Must be Req 72 Hour Prior but No Earlier than 7 Days Prior to Arrival. Contact Airfield Mgmt DSN 572-5411/5412, C575-572-5411/5412. Prior Permission Valid +/- 30 Min Prior/After ETA. Early/Late Arrival/Departure Must be Re-Coord with Airfield Mgmt.
See Flip Ap/1 Supplementary Airport Rmk.
Misc: Taxiway Golf Width 150 ft Wt Bearing.
Restricted: Heavy Aircraft Should Expect to Land Runway 22.
Misc: Wx Obsn Site Limited 220-350 Deg Due to Bldg; Night Obsn Limited Due to Hi Inst Light. Service Unavailable When Airfield Notam Closed. Wx DSN 572-3924/5 C575-572-3924/5. for Sby Service During Non-Operating Wx Hour Contact 25 Ows DSN 228-6674.
Misc: Transient Aircraft Last Priority on Refueling Due to Refueling Mechanical Problems, Expect Delays.
Misc: Wx Support and Augmented Automated Obsn Available During Wing Flying Hours.Automated Obsn Available During Non-Operating Wx Hours and During Airfield Closure.
Caution: Uncontrolled Afd Operations (Uao) in Effect During Outside Pub Airfield Hours. Uao only Auth for Flying Units Listed in Hafbi 11-250. Contact Comd Post DSN 572-7575, C575-572-7575 for Current Uao Status.
Misc: VFR Hold Lines Located at Intersections of Runway 16/34 (4 Ea.). Aircraft Given Clearance to Land or Take-Off Shall Disregard Hold Lines at the Intersections During Landing and Take-Off Roll. Land and Hold Short Operations not Auth.
Restricted: Heavy Aircraft Proh Fr Departure or Arrival Runway 07/25.
Caution: Pavement Markings Throughout Airfield Faded & Non-Reflective.
Caution: Use Extreme Caution, Uas Aircraft Conducting Standard Operations in Holloman Airspace.
Restricted: 180 Degs Turns on Runway Asphalt Surface not Permitted Without Airfield Mgr Approval.
Operating Hours by Notam.
Runway 34 & Runway 04; at 2000 ft Dist Remaining Mrk, only 1700 ft of Runway Available.
Ils/Radar: Runway 16 Ils Available for Cir Approach to Runway 22.
Misc: Aerodrome Wx Service Available Mon-Sat 0600-0100Z++, Sat 1400-2100Z++. Closed Sun, Holiday or When Airfield is Notam Closed. Auto Obs Available During Non-Operating Hours.
Service-Arresting Gear: Runway 04-22 Bak-12B (Mid Field) and Runway 25 Approach Bak-12B 30 Min Prior Notice. Bak-15 Located Runway 16 Under-Run Unsvc. Nets Available to be Raised at Pilot Req. Runway 34 Hook Bak-12 B (60 ft Ovrn) Unit is not Bi-Directional.
Caution: Airfield Has Hi Potential for Foreign Object Damage Fr Engine Blast, Minimize Thrust During Grd Operations.
Misc: only Single Approach and Full Stop Landing Authorized for Tran Aircraft.
Restricted: Runway 16-34 Restricted to Aircraft with Wingspan 175 ft or Less.
Service-Light: Runway 16-34 Dist Rem Mrk out of Service.
Taxiway Golf Edge Lights Located 150 ft South of Taxiway Golf Pavement Edge in Vicinity of Closed End of Runway (Eor) Gulf.
Remarks-Restricted: Contact Am Operations DSN 572-5411, C575-572-5411 to Scheduled.
Units Wishing to Forward Deploy to Holloman AFB Contact 49 Wg/Xp DSN 572-7483 for Wg Approval.
Caution: Bird Hazard: Wetlands and Lake Located Less than 1 NM S of Runway 34 Approach End. Bash Phase II in Effect: 1 Mar-31 may and 1 Aug-31 Oct.
Restricted: All Aircraft Rqrg Cargo and/or Pax Service Require to Contact 49 Lrs at DSN 572-0905, C575-572-0905.
Restricted: No Engine Running on/Off Loads Without Prior Coord with 49 Lrs.
Caution: Non-Frangible Sign Located on Taxiway F/Taxiway E Int Less than 100 ft Fr Taxiway F Centerline on S Side.
Service-Arresting Gear: Caution: Runway 25 Approach Bak-12 Increased Strike Haz to F-16 Configured with External Centerline Stores/Tanks.

This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.

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