IFR Enroute Charts
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FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 03/20/2025 - 5/15/2025
Ops | Comms | Services | Owner | Runways | IFR Procs | Current NOTAMs | Remarks |
FAA/ICAO Identifier: | LFI / KLFI (Lima-Foxtrot-India) |
Lat/Lng: | 37.0828861111, -76.3605388889 37-04-58.3900N, 076-21-37.9400W Estimated by Military on 04/01/2012 |
Elevation: | 8 feet Surveyed by Military on 07/12/2013 |
Magnetic Variation: | 10W,(1990), [-11W (2025)] |
Sectional: | WASHINGTON |
From City: | 3nm N of Hampton |
Use: | Private |
Airspace Analysis: | NOT ANALYZED |
Ownership: | Air Force owned |
Activation: | 04/1943 |
Attended: | All year Mon-Fri 1100-0300Z++ All year Sat-Sun 1300-2100Z++ |
Type: | ATCT |
Days Tower Operational: | ALL |
Airspace Class: | D |
Tower Radar: | ASR,24hrs |
ARTCC: | Washington(ZDC)Washington Center |
FSS: | Leesburg FSS(DCA) |
NOTAMs and Weather: | LFINOTAM-D service at airport |
Wind Indicator: | Unlighted |
Beacon: | Sunset-Sunrise |
Landing Fee: | no |
ARFF: | ARFF is Cat 8 with 8100 Gal of Capability. Steady ARFF Condition for Langley AFB is Optimum Level of Service (OLS) for Cat 1-10. _. |
ATIS: | 270.1 | ||||||||||||||||
Tower: |
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Ground: |
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Clearance: |
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Approach: |
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Departure: |
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Emergency: |
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PTD: | 376.2 142.3 | ||||||||||||||||
Other: | --COMD POST 344.8 --COMD POST 251.25 --NASA OPS 310.4 --NASA OPS 123.375 --PMSV METRO 239.8 ---DRONE 118.9 ---DRONE 353.7 ---STAR 118.9 ---STAR 353.7 | ||||||||||||||||
Master Airport: | ORF (NORFOLK INTL) | ||||||||||||||||
PMSV Available: | CONTINUOUS | ||||||||||||||||
Tower Remarks: | Langley Consolidated Command Post (Raymond 16). No Notam Preventive Maintenance Schedule: Tacan 1200-1500 Sat. Consolidated Cmd Post: Call Raymond 16 Have Quick Timing Available-287.45. |
Airframe Repair: | Major |
Powerplant Repair: | Major |
Bottled Oxygen: | None |
Bulk Oxygen: | Low pressure |
Transient Storage: | Hanger |
Other Services: | Cargo handling |
Based Aircraft
Annual Operations
Runways: | 08/26 |
Length: | 10002 feet by Military |
Width: | 150 feet |
Surface: | Porland Cement Concrete |
Surface Treatment: | Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved |
Classification (PCN): | 57 /R/B/W/T, 57 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents > 221 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination |
Runway Lights Edge Intensity: | High Intensity |
End 08 | End 26 | |
ILS Type: | ILS | LOC/GS |
Runway Markings: | None,Good Condition | None,Good Condition |
Aircraft Arresting Device: | E5 Bak-15(Ni) (60 ft Ovrn) Hook Bak-12B(B) (1100 ft). | BAK-12 Hook Bak-12B(B) (1002 ft) Bak-15(Ni) (44 ft Ovrn). |
Elevation at End: | 7.3' MSL | 6.4' MSL |
Elevation at Touchdown Zone: | 8.0' MSL | 8.0' MSL |
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: | 53' AGL | 58' AGL |
Visual Glide Path Angle: | 2.80° | 2.80° |
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway |
Approach Lights: | ALSF1 | ALSF1 |
• | Runway 08/26 Threshold Light Gated, Mid 70 ft Inop/Removed. |
• | Arresting Gear: Bak-15 Cable Always in Place Runway 26 Ovrn and Net Raised at Pilots Req. Bak-12B(B) Pendant Cable Always in Place. Bak-12B Extn. |
• | JASU: 2(M32A-60) Mc-11) 4(a/M 32A-86). |
• | Fuel: a++. Expect Up to 30 Min Delay. |
• | Oil: O-133-148-156 SOAP. |
• | Transient Alert: Operating 1130-0430Z++ Weekend, Closed Wkend, Holiday, and Acc Down Days. Exp Progressive Taxi to Prk. Flw Me Service Available Upon Req. |
• | Restricted: Prior Permission Contact Base Operations 1030-0430Z++ DSN 574-2504, C7577642504. Prior Permission Valid +/- 1 Hour of Apv Time During Airfield Oprng Hours. If Outside of Apv Time Slot Contact Base Operations to Update Prior Permission. only 1 F/W Aircraft Auth Fr 1300-1400Z++. Transport/Dv Aircraft Contact Base Operations 20 Min Prior Landing. |
• | Caution: Inst IFR and VFR Hi Performance Ftr Traffic Within the Class D Airspace: Extensive Unctl General Avn Traffic Blw 3000 ft Over James River and Chesapeake Bay. Departure Traffic Do not Exceed 1000 ft on Climbout Til Departure End of Runway. |
• | Caution: Laser Light Beam Haz to Direct Visual Obsn Will be Conducted at Nasa Langley Research Center Within 1/2 NM Rad of 37 Deg 06.3 Min N 76 Deg 22.7 Min W. Strong Caution is Advs. Laser Beam may be Injurious to Pilots/Pax Eyes Within All Altitude of Light Source. Ck Notam for Date/Time/Duration/Affected Altitude. |
• | Caution: Wx Obsn Site Located 080-250 Due to Bldg. |
• | Caution: Wind Shear Condition may Exist on Runway 26 Thru Short Final and Touchdown, That are Prevalent, Undetectable and Often Unrpt. Increased Potential for Hydroplaning Due to Excessive Rubber Build-Up. ALS Non-Frangible. Airfield Grass Cutting Conducted Fr Mar-Nov, Exp Increased Bird Act in Vicinity of Mowers. |
• | Traffic Pattern: Overhead 3000 ft at 5 DME Descending to 1500 ft by 3 DME, Rgt Break Runway 26, Left Break Runway 08. Rectangular 1000 ft Rgt Traffic Runway 26, Left Traffic Runway 08. |
• | Noise Abatement: Quiet Hour 0330-1100Z++ Weekend, 0330-1300Z++ Wkend and Holiday, Waivers Contact Comd Post DSN DSN 574-5411. |
• | Misc: Airfield Operations DSN 574-2504, C757-764-2504. Airfield Mgr DSN 574-2508. Dd Form 1801 Require 90 Min Prior to Etd. Runway 08/26 Grooved. Acc Ftr Aircraft Exp Reduced Runway Separation: Day/VFR, Similar Aircraft 3000 ft, Dissimiilar Type Aircraft 6000 ft. Night 6000 ft All Aircraft. |
• | Misc: Tran Aircraft Notify Tower on Initial Contact If Reduced Runway Separation is not Desired. Airfield Operations Does not Have COMSEC or Facility to Store for Tran Crews; Tran Crews Should Plan to Arrival with Appropriate Amount of COMSEC to Complete Msn. COMSEC Can be Stored at 1Fw Comd Post; DSN 574-5411 C757-764-2504. |
• | a: Prk, Refuel and Maintenance Available on Af Ramp. Aircraft with Firearms Call Ptd to Arng for Security. |
• | Nasa: Aircraft Intending to Operate from Nasa Ramp Shall Contact Nasa Flight Operations at Larc-Dl-Fltops@Mail.Nasa.Gov to Arrange for Approval and Support Prior to Arrival. Additionally Obtain Prior Permission from 1 Oss/Osa at C757-764-2504 for Landing at Klfi. Service not Available for Non-Nasa Aircraft. No Organic Support for Large Transport Category Aircraft (Power, Fuel, Lav, Steps). However USAF Elements may be Able to Provide Support with Sufficient Advance Notice. Taxiway Juliet Increased Foreign Object Damage Hazard and Reduced Pcn Due to Degrading Pavement Conditions. Aircraft with Acn Greater than 24 or Wingspan Greater than 80 ft Use Taxiway H. Taxiway J Limited for Night and IFR Conditions Due to Lack of Taxiway Edge Lighting System. Control of Perimeter Road Street Lights to Stop Vehicular Traffic is Three Clicks on 123.375 for Taxiway J and Five Clicks for Taxiway H. only Nasa Be200, T38, Ov10 and T34 Can Operating on Taxiway 'J'. |
• | PMSV Metro: Altn PMSV is Mcguire AFB on 239.8 Wx Service Available H24 at DSN 574-5908/5907,C757-764-5908/5907. An/Fmq-19 Automated Observing Sys in Use; Augmented by Human Obsn When Nec. During Wx Flight Closure or Evac, Remote Briefing Service Available from 15 Op Wx Sq (Scott AFB) DSN 576-9755 or 576-9701 Thru 9704, C618-256-9755 or 618-256-9701 Thru 9704. |
• | Caution: ATC Will Relay Tower Prevailing Visible, Sector Visible, Local Pireps or An Occurrence of Prev Unreported Wx Condition That Could Affect Operations to Wx Flight. |
• | Remarks: Taxiway 'J' is Restricted to Aircraft with Total Wingspan of 80 ft or Less and 100000 Lbs. or Less Gross Weight. |
• | Restricted: Acc Rsrs Applied to Acc Aircraft only. |
• | Wgt Bearing Waivers Contact Airfield Manager DSN 574-2508. |
• | Caution: Use Extreme Caution for Uas Operations at Nasa Langley Research Center Fr Surface-400 ft Within 1/2 NM Rad of 370607.51N/762313.88W. |
• | a-G O/S for Maintenance: East Bak-12 Tue 1030-1130Z++, West Bak-12 Wed 1030-1130Z++. |
• | Remarks: Operating 1100-0300Z++; Mon-Fri, 1300-2100++ Wkend, Closed Acc Down Days, Holiday and Wkend Associated with Holiday. Contact Comd Post (Cp) DSN 574-5411 or C757-764-5411 Outside of Opening Hours. |
• | Misc: Towing Capes Limited to Universal Towbar only. |
• | Caution: Bash Phase I in Effect 16 Nov - 14 Feb and 01 Apr - 14 Sep. Bash Phase II in Effect 15 Feb - 31 Mar and 15 Sep - 15 Nov. Contact Base Operations for Current Bash Condition. |
• | Remarks: Communication-Nasa Operations Unmto C757-864-3887. |
• | Restricted: V/Stol Aircraft, Vertical Takeoff, Vertical Low Approach, and Vertical Landing are Prohibited at the Airfield. |
This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.
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