IFR Enroute Charts
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FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025
Ops | Comms | Services | Owner | Runways | IFR Procs | Current NOTAMs | Remarks |
FAA/ICAO Identifier: | PAM / KPAM |
Lat/Lng: | 30.0690475, -85.5749813889 30-04-08.5710N, 085-34-29.9330W Estimated by Military on 11/21/2016 |
Elevation: | 17 feet Surveyed by Military on 04/01/2013 |
Magnetic Variation: | 04W,(2015), [-5W (2025)] |
Sectional: | NEW ORLEANS |
From City: | 6nm SE of Panama City |
Use: | Private |
Airspace Analysis: | NOT ANALYZED |
Ownership: | Air Force owned |
Attended: | All year Mon-Thu 1100-0300Z++
All year Fri 1100-2300Z++ Closed Wkend, Holiday & Acc Down Days; After Hour - Tcc DSN 523-2155; Services not Available When Airfield Notam Closed. |
Control Tower: | yes 1200-2200Z++ MON-FRI, CLSD WKENDS, HOL AND ACC DOWN DAYS. |
Type: | ATCT-A/C |
Days Tower Operational: | ALL |
Airspace Class: | D,E,Class D Svc 1200-2200Z++ Mon-Fri, Clsd Wkends, Hol, And Acc Down Days; Other Times Class E |
Tower Radar: | ASR,24hrs,PAR |
ARTCC: | Jacksonville(ZJX)Jacksonville Center |
FSS: | Gainesville FSS(GNV) |
NOTAMs and Weather: | PAMNOTAM-D service at airport |
Pattern Altitude: | TPA: Ovhd 2100 ft (2083 ft) Til 3 NM Then Dsnd to 1600 ft (1583 ft) for Brk, Rgt Entry at 3 NM Fr Runway. Par Approach not Available After Wg Flying, Wkend or Holiday. |
Wind Indicator: | Unlighted |
Beacon: | Sunset-Sunrise |
Landing Fee: | no |
ATIS: | 254.4 operates 1200-0400Z++ MON-FRI, CLOSED WKENDS, HOL AND ACC DOWN DAYS. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tower: |
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Ground: |
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Clearance: |
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Approach: |
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Departure: |
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PTD: | 139.9 372.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other: | --COMD POST 381.3 --PMSV METRO 290.625 Full Service; Transient Aircraft Wx Service - 28 Ows Shaw AFB DSN 965-0588 Extn 222-223-224-225. During Rapcon Closure When Airfield Open - Gc. Checker Operations No Fone Patch Capability; Have Quick Timing Available 361.4. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PMSV Available: | PART-TIME | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tower Remarks: | Par Opers 0600-0000 Daily. When Par out ASR Available on Emergency Basis only. Sfa Approach/Departure Service Provided by Jacksonville ARTCC on Frequencies 120.825/379.3 (Panama City RCAG) When Approach Control Closed. |
Fuel: | A++ |
Airframe Repair: | None |
Powerplant Repair: | None |
Bottled Oxygen: | High/Low pressure |
Bulk Oxygen: | High/Low pressure |
Based Aircraft
Annual Operations
Runways: | 14L/32R 14R/32L |
Length: | 10008 feet by Military on 11/21/2016 |
Width: | 200 feet Mrkd 150 ft Wide; Edge Light Dist Rmng Mkrs & Exit Signs in Place at 200 ft. |
Surface: | Porland Cement Concrete |
Surface Treatment: | Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved First 1000 ft Runway 14L & First 3000 ft 32R not Grooved. |
Classification (PCN): | 35 /R/B/W/T, 35 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents > 221 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination |
Runway Lights Edge Intensity: | High Intensity |
End 14L | End 32R | |
True Alignment: | 134,(129 Magnetic) | 314,(309 Magnetic) |
ILS Type: | ILS | LOC/GS |
Runway Markings: | Precision Instrument,Good Condition | Precision Instrument,Good Condition |
Aircraft Arresting Device: | BAK-12 Bak-15 (117 ft Ovrn) Hook Bak-12B(B) (2305 ft). Hook Mb60 (47 ft Ovrn). MB60 | BAK-12 Hook Mb60 (51 ft Ovrn). Hook Bak-12B(B) (2289 ft) Bak-15 (120 ft Ovrn). MB60 |
Elevation at End: | 14.1' MSL | 14.3' MSL |
Elevation at Touchdown Zone: | 14.1' MSL | 14.3' MSL |
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: | 49' AGL | 50' AGL |
Visual Glide Path Angle: | 2.50° | 2.50° |
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway |
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location: | Touchdown | Touchdown |
Runway Visual Value Equipment Available: | Yes | Yes |
Approach Lights: | ALSF1 | ALSF1 |
Object Clearance Slope: | 50:1 | 50:1 |
Length: | 10114 feet First 1500 ft Runway 14R & First 2760 ft Runway 32L Conc; Mid 4875 ft Asph. by Military on 01/28/2019 |
Width: | 150 feet |
Surface: | Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Porland Cement Concrete |
Surface Treatment: | Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved |
Classification (PCN): | 50 /R/B/W/T, 50 , Rigid, Subgrade Strength Medium (represents > 221 pci), Tire pressure High (no limit), Technical determination |
Runway Lights Edge Intensity: | High Intensity |
End 14R | End 32L | |
True Alignment: | 134,(129 Magnetic) | 314,(309 Magnetic) |
Runway Markings: | Precision Instrument,Good Condition | Precision Instrument,Good Condition |
Aircraft Arresting Device: | BAK-12 Mb100 Chag (35 ft Ovrn) Hook Bak-12B(B) (1441 ft). MA-1A | BAK-12 Hook Bak-12B(B) (2555 ft) Mb100 (1013 ft). MA-1A |
Displaced Threshold Distance: | 978' | |
Elevation at End: | 13.9' MSL | 16.2' MSL |
Elevation at Displaced Threshold: | 17.0' MSL | |
Elevation at Touchdown Zone: | 14.7' MSL | 17.0' MSL |
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: | 36' AGL | 41' AGL |
Visual Glide Path Angle: | 2.50° | 2.50° |
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway | 4-light PAPI on left side of runway |
Runway Visual Range Equipment Location: | Touchdown | Touchdown |
Runway Visual Value Equipment Available: | Yes | Yes |
Object Clearance Slope: | 50:1 | 50:1 |
• | JASU: (C-26) (Md-3) (Mc-11) (M32A-10) |
• | Fluid: Sp Presair Low and High Pressure Oxygen Servicing (Low Pressure Oxygen Servicing (Lpox)) Liquid Oxygen Servicing (LOX) |
• | Oil: O-148 SOAP |
• | Restricted: 48 Hour Prior Permission - Airfield Mgmt DSN 523-4244/45, C850-283-4244/45; Prior Permission Valid 1 Hour +/- ETA; Early/Late Arrival/Departure Must Recoordinate; C130 & Lrgr Provide Amops 48 Hour Prior Coord for Aircraft Operations Rqrg Barrier Removal. |
• | Caution: Drone Launch & Recovery 2.5 Sm & 3 Sm SSE of Main Airport; Extensive Training Jet Traffic 40 NM E; Night Wx Obs Limitations Due to High Intensity Stadium Lights. |
• | Noise Abatement: Subj to Wx Condition; Heavy Aircraft Exp Radar Vectors Til Reaching 6000 ft. |
• | Misc: Base Operations DSN 523-4244. |
• | Misc: Inbound Canadian Aircraft - 1Af DSN 523-3760 Prior to Arrival; Exp Progressive Taxiing Instr. |
• | Misc: Transient Fighter Aircraft Exp 2 Ship Launch & Recovery; Exp Tran Service DLA During Peak Mission Times & Wkends. Inbound VIP Aircraft Contact Ptd 30 Min Prior Landing. Rtne Classified/COMSEC Storage Available - Airfield Mgmt DSN 523-4244/4245; C 850-283-4244/4245. |
• | Runway 14R 979 ft Ovrn Used for Taxing Aircraft & Rollout only; C130 & Lrgr Aircraft Have Outboard Engine Idle When Taxiing on Taxiway Bravo Center. |
• | Restricted: C-130 or Lrgr Exct 180 Deg Turn on Runway 14R-32L; Exct in Last 1000 ft. |
• | Restricted: Par Runway 32L Hgt Group 4; Wheel Xng Hgt 15 ft. Par Runway 14R Hgt Group 4; Wheel Xng Hgt 11 ft. Par Runway 14R Hgt Group 3; Wheel Xng Hgt 16 ft. |
• | Misc: Wx DSN 523-4203/4235; C850-283-4203/4235. |
• | Misc: Augmented Wx Point Obst by Buildings, Hanger & Trees Spcly SE - NW; a Coop Wx Watch with Air Traffic Control Tower Suppls Some Rstrs. at Night Ramp Lights Make It Difficult to Est Cloud Cover, Cloud Hgt & Visible. |
• | Misc: During Airfield Closure Rsc/Rcr not Rprtd. |
• | Restricted: Aircraft Operations & Taxi After Airfield Operations Hour Except Emergency or Prior Coord with Airfield Mgt Na. |
• | Transient Alert: Progressive Taxi Available; Transient Aircraft Must Arrival/Departure During Nml Duty Hour Unless Apv. Maintenance Capability Limited to F22 Aircraft. |
• | Transient Alert: Flw Me Service Available; Fleet Service Unavailable; Does not Support Local Flts by Transient Aircraft. |
• | Caution: Drone Runway; Led Obstruction Light in Use on Fmq-22 Wx Equip Located Midfield. |
• | Misc: Wx Flight Operations H24. Wx Brief for Tnst After Nml Airfield Hours-26Th Ows Barksdale AFB DSN 331/2690/2607; C318-529-2690/2607; Augmented Wx Obs When Flw Condition Observed or Exp: Tdo, Fcs, Wtspt, Hail Gtr than or Equal to 1/4 in or Volcanic Ash. |
• | Restricted: Taxiway B North of Taxiway G & Taxiway F Edge Lights Unavailable; Taxiways Available for Daytime VFR Operations only. |
• | Service-Light: Runway 32L Displaced Threshold Lights Non-Standard; Rollout on Runway 14R Displaced Threshold Runway End Lights Unavailable; Two Amber Lights in Place at End of Displacement. |
• | Arresting Gear: Runway 14L-32R Nml Bak-12B Configuration; Approach End Disconnected; Mp 1100-1400Z++ Thu. Runway 14R-32L Nml Bak-12B Configuration; Departure End Mb-100 Always in Place; Mp 1100-1400Z++ Tue. |
• | Use Extrm Caution for Extensive Uas Operations. |
This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.
As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.
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