Fallbrook Community Airpark
Fallbrook, California

FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 02/20/2025 - 4/17/2025

Ops Comms Services Owner Runways IFR Procs Current NOTAMs Remarks


FAA Identifier:L18 (Lima-One-Eight)
Lat/Lng:33.3541666667, -117.250833333
33-21-15.0000N, 117-15-03.0000W
Estimated by Faa on 03/28/2016
Elevation:708 feet Estimated by Owner on 12/12/1996
Magnetic Variation:13E,(1985), [11E (2025)]
From City:2nm S of Fallbrook


Use:Open to the public
Ownership:Publicly owned
Attended:All year Mon-Fri 0900-1400 (local)
Control Tower:no
ARTCC:Los Angeles(ZLA)Los Angeles Center
FSS:San Diego FSS(SAN)
NOTAMs and Weather:L18NOTAM-D service at airport
Pattern Altitude:TPA - 1708(1000) Fixed Wing, 1200(492) Hel.
Wind Indicator:Unlighted
Segmented Circle:yes
Lights:MIRL Runway 18/36 Medium Intensity only Available. Activate MIRL Runway 18/36 & Taxiway Lights - CTAF (5 Clicks on).
Landing Fee:no


Weather:AWOS-3P 760-723-6073 118.425
Contact 'SOCAL' Approach
Contact 'SOCAL' Departure
Class Freq:
127.3 ;294-332 San Blw 7,000 ft
323.0 ;294-332 San Blw 7,000 ft


Fuel:Grade 100LL Gasoline (low lead blue)
L Self-Service Fuel Available 24 Hours.
Airframe Repair:Major
Powerplant Repair:Major
Bottled Oxygen:High/Low pressure
Bulk Oxygen:None
Transient Storage:Tie-Down
Other Services:Pilot Instruction, Aircraft Rental, Aircraft Sales

Based Aircraft


Annual Operations



Owner:County of San Diego
1960 Joe Crosson Drive
El Cajon, Ca 92020-1235
Manager:Meadow Chase
2155 South Mission Road
Fallbrook, Ca 92028



Runway 18/36

Length:2160 feet
Width:60 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:Rubberized Friction Seal Coat
Weight Capacity:Single Wheel aircraft: 12,000 lbs
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:Med Intensity
End 18 End 36
True Alignment:194,(183 Magnetic)014,(003 Magnetic)
Right Hand Pattern: Yes
Runway Markings:Basic,Good ConditionBasic,Good Condition
Elevation at End:708.0' MSL699.0' MSL
Elevation at Touchdown Zone:708.0' MSL708.0' MSL
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height:20' AGL 
Visual Glide Path Angle:4.00° 
Visual Glide Slope Indicator:Pulsating/Steady burning VASI on left side of runway 
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77):Utility runway with a nonprecision approachUtility runway with a visual approach
Object Clearance Slope:20:120:1

Runway H1

Length:45 feet
by Owner on 11/19/2004
Width:45 feet
Surface:Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Porland Cement Concrete, Good Condition
Surface Treatment:NONE
Remarks:Restricted to Public Safety Aircraft.



Additional Remarks

No Safety Area Available Due to Abrupt Drop-Off Each End of Runway.
Noise Abatement: Tkofs Climb Straight Ahead to 1200 ft MSL. Runway 18 Turn Crosswind When Abeam Water Tank 1.1 Mi ESE of Runway. Runway 18 Extend Downwind Leg to Allow 1/3 Mile Final Approach. Fly Downwind East of High School.
Prior Permission for All Aircraft Over 12000 Lbs and All Military Aircraft, Contact Airport Manager.
Taxiway Hold Bars Non -Standard Dist from Runway Edge.
Military Base SW, Frq Military Hels in Vicinity of Airport.
Conc Helipad Closed to Unauthorized Aircraft.
Ap Admin Bldg East Side of Runway; Fueling Area West of Airfield.
Part 77 Obstruction, +15 ft Hill 100 ft E of Runway 18 Centerline.
Rotorcraft Fuel Unavailable. Rcmdd Hel Traffic Pattern Approach and Departure at 492 ft AGL to and from East at Mid Runway. Hel Tgl Rstrd to Runway.
Hovers, Skid Landings, and Auto-Rotations Prohibited.
Runway 18 Calm Wind Runway
Tran Prkg Located on SE Corner of Airfield.
Ocnl Coyote on or in the Vicinity of Runway and Taxiway.
Aircraft Shall Self-Announce on CTAF Prior to Landing or Takeoff.
for Cd Contact Socal Approach at 800-448-3724.

This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.

As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.

Comments from the user community are clearly noted as such this page, are for informational purposes only, may be wrong and/or out-of-date, and must not be used as a sole source for critical decision making. See Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use.