Alyssa Taylor
Westminster, Maryland
FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 01/23/2025 - 3/20/2025
FAA Identifier: | MD26 |
Lat/Lng: | 39.637675, -77.1449027778 39-38-15.6300N, 077-08-41.6500W Estimated by Faa Oe/Aaa on 05/22/2020 |
Elevation: | 541 feet Estimated by Faa Oe/Aaa on 05/22/2020 |
Magnetic Variation: | [-11W (2025)] |
Sectional: | WASHINGTON |
From City: | 8nm NW of Westminster |
Use: | Private |
Airspace Analysis: | CONDITIONAL the Heliport Meet and Maintain the Standards of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5390-2, Heliport Design, Including (but not Limited to) the Touchdown and Liftoff Area (Tlof), Final Approach and Takeoff Area (Fato), Safety Area, and 8:1 Approach/Departure Surface and Establish An Acceptable Level of Safety for Helicopter Operations. All Helicopter Approach/Departure Route Operations are Conducted on a 090 Degrees Clockwise to 150 Degrees Egress (Departure) Heading Using the Center of the Proposed Tlof As a Reference Point. FAA Flight Standards Complete a Heliport Evaluation Within 15 Days of Completion of Construction and Prior to Operational Use of the Heliport. Contact Diogenes Ramos or Flight Standards Division (203-512-6330 ) When Nearing Completion. the Landing Area is Limited to Day/VFR Private Use. Night Helicopter Operations are not Authorized Unless the Takeoff/Landing Area and Wind Indicator are Lighted. Heliport Identification Beacon is Optional but Recommended. This Determination Does not Mean FAA Approval or Disapproval of the Physical Development Involved in the Proposal. It is a Determination with Respect to the Safe and Efficient Use of the Navigable Airspace by Aircraft and with Respect to the Safety of Persons and Property on the Ground. in Making the Determination, the FAA Has Considered Matters Such As the Effect the Proposal Would Have on Existing or Planned Traffic Patterns of Neighboring Airports, the Effects It Would Have on... |
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Activation: | 05/2020 |
Control Tower: | no |
ARTCC: | Washington(ZDC)New York Center(ZNY) |
FSS: | Leesburg FSS(DCA) |
Wind Indicator: | Lighted |
Lights: | Activate Perimeter Ltg 5 Clicks on 122.8. |
Landing Fee: | no |
Owner: | Craig Bowen 2655 Baumgardner Rd. Westminster, Md 21158 443-605-6020 |
Manager: | Craig Bowen 2655 Baumgardner Rd. Email Address: CRAIG@TRICONPRO.COM Westminster, Md 21158 443-605-6020 |
Runway H1
Length: | 97 feet by Faa Oe/Aaa on 05/22/2020 |
Width: | 97 feet |
Surface: | Porland Cement Concrete, Grass / Sod |
Surface Treatment: | NONE |
Runway Lights Edge Intensity: | Perimeter |
Remarks: | Tlof 97X97 ft; Fato 127X127 ft; Ingress/Egress 270/270. |
• | Owner Desires Heliport be Charted. |
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