IFR Enroute Charts
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FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 01/23/2025 - 3/20/2025
Ops | Comms | Services | Owner | Runways | IFR Procs | Current NOTAMs | Remarks |
FAA Identifier: | ME16 (Mike-Echo-One-Six) |
Lat/Lng: | 46.9504277778, -67.8858611111 46-57-01.5400N, 067-53-09.1000W Estimated by Faa on 12/21/2004 |
Elevation: | 746 feet Surveyed by Faa on 12/21/2004 |
Magnetic Variation: | 21W,(1985), [-16W (2025)] |
Sectional: | HALIFAX |
From City: | 3nm NW of Limestone |
Use: | Private |
Airspace Analysis: | CONDITIONAL Pvdd Small Aircraft Use; VFR,Day Operations; Excludes Use During Winter/Snow Season. |
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Activation: | 10/1997 |
Control Tower: | no |
ARTCC: | Boston(ZBW)Boston Center |
FSS: | Bangor FSS(BGR) |
Pattern Altitude: | 1900 MSL (1154 AGL) Rectangular TPA: 1154 ft AGL; Ovhd TPA: 1654 ft AGL. |
Wind Indicator: | Unlighted |
Landing Fee: | no |
UNICOM: | 123.000 |
Bottled Oxygen: | None |
Transient Storage: | Hanger |
Based Aircraft
Annual Operations
Runways: | 01/19 |
Length: | 12101 feet by Faa on 12/21/2004 |
Width: | 300 feet |
Surface: | Asphalt / Bituminous Concrete, Porland Cement Concrete, Fair Condition First 1000 ft Each Runway End Conc, Mid 10101 ft Asph. |
Surface Treatment: | Saw-cut or Plastic Grooved Conc Ptns of Runway Grooved 70 ft Either Side of Centerline. |
Weight Capacity: | Single Wheel aircraft: 155,000 lbs Dual Wheel aircraft: 265,000 lbs Dual Tandem Wheel aircraft: 445,000 lbs |
Runway Lights Edge Intensity: | Non-standard Lighting System Non-Standard HIRL Due to No Threshold Lights; No Edge Lights at Taxiway Intxns; No Amber Lenses Last 2000 ft Each Runway End. |
End 01 | End 19 | |
Runway Markings: | Nonstandard (Other Than Numbers Only),Runway 01/19 Non-Standard Markings; Military Pir Markings Both Ends; Edge Stripes Located 70 ft Either Side of Centerline ; Runway 01 Markings Faded.,Poor Condition | Nonstandard (Other Than Numbers Only),Poor Condition |
Aircraft Arresting Device: | BAK-12B | BAK-12B |
Elevation at End: | 745.8' MSL | 744.1' MSL |
Elevation at Touchdown Zone: | 745.8' MSL | 744.1' MSL |
Threshold Crossing Glide Path Height: | 58' AGL | 58' AGL |
Visual Glide Path Angle: | 3.00° | 3.00° |
Visual Glide Slope Indicator: | 12-Box VASI on both sides of runway out of Service Indefinitely. | 12-Box VASI on both sides of runway out of Service Indefinitely. |
Approach Lights: | ALSF1 out of Service Indefinitely. | ALSF1 out of Service Indefinitely. |
Objects affecting Navigable Airspace (CFR part 77): | Precision Instrument Runway | Precision Instrument Runway |
Object Clearance Slope: | 50:1 | 20:1 |
• | E79-Customs-Civ-Enter No of Civ Operns Require Customs in Rmrks Sect of Dd 175. |
• | Day VFR only. |
• | Caution: Exp Standing Water on Runway Aprx 3000 ft from N End of Runway 01/19 During Subsequent Pds of Precipitation. |
• | Large Birds & Mammals in Vicinity of Runway. |
• | 1000 ft by 300 ft Paved Ovrn at Each Runway End. |
• | for Cd Contact Boston ARTCC at 603-879-6859. |
This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.
As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.
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